A shoreline revealed

High tide - about 8 ft from our RV

High tide – about 8 ft from our RV

Low tide

Low tide

Tides really move a lot of water along the Inside Passage! As these photos of today’s 16′ swing show, tides have a huge impact on a harbor and every business near the water.

Today is Ketchikan’s Derby Day, one of the year’s busiest for Clover Pass. Last year, over 3,000 people purchased tickets for the chance to win prizes for the biggest King Salmon. This usually quiet harbor has been bustling with boats headed out—even the local news station was here to film the activity.



All morning, people have been lugging fishing gear and beer (of course!) down this steep ramp to their rented boats. Expectations are high, even though most locals say that the salmon haven’t really arrived to this area yet. Unfortunately, we’ll miss the afternoon weigh-in as we depart on the ferry to go to Wrangell.

Star fish

Star fish

Sun Fish

Sun dial


Not sure what this is

Sun Dial

Sun dial

A popping orange thing!

A popping orange thing!

Purple sun dial

Purple sun dial

Star fish

Star fish

A fun surprise at these extremely low tides has been discovering the many types of sun and star fish that live around the docks. Apparently none of the birds and animals like the taste of these bottom cleaners, so they’re pretty much left alone until the water comes back in. Of course, I learned that after I picked up a little one to “save” it by putting it back in the water. Anyway, here are a few photos of these colorful creatures of the sea.

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